Functional medicine is similar to traditional Chinese medicine in that it is a systems-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease and that customizes each treatment plan based on the complex health pattern of each individual.
In a functional medicine consultation, a detailed health history and advanced laboratory testing will be used to determine the status of the body’s neuroendocrine, immune, digestive, and metabolic health. After this assessment, we can create a customized treatment course, comprised of biologically-based supplements and lifestyle alterations, to correct the specific systemic dysfunction and restore sustained health. The diagnostic system and treatment programs I use are the Kalish Method, which is based on peer-reviewed clinical studies. Dr. Kalish is a leader in functional medicine education and has taught many of the physicians in the country, including those pioneering functional medicine in major healthcare settings.
Because functional medicine works by restoring function of the body’s systems, the applications are broad and can help to improve sleep quality, energy levels, mood, mental focus, athletic performance, and body composition, among many other benefits. Since we personalize each treatment program based on your lab findings and health intake, this treatment can be done remotely from start to finish. So for those who are too busy to make frequent in-person office visits, functional medicine is an extremely useful and convenient form of medicine to restore health and vitality . If you are interested in learning more, please book a free phone consultation to discuss your health and how functional medicine may be appropriate for you.
Do I have to come in for regular office visits?
All consultations can be done over the phone and are usually done in 15-20 minute sessions. Treatments are customized based on lab results and a detailed health intake. Lab samples are taken with at-home kits and supplements are auto-shipped by our online dispensary so no need to leave your home!
What is the cost? Will my insurance cover this?
Initial Consultation is $250 and includes a review of lab findings and a customized therapeutic program consisting of biologically-based supplements, diet and lifestyle recommendations. *All lab fees are always at cost with no mark up. Re-testing is generally done after 6 months. Follow-up consultation for check-ins and adjustments to your therapeutic program can be as little as $100/ month. Each additional consultation needed beyond a monthly check-in is $75. Insurance doesn’t cover functional medicine at this time, but you can always use your HSA or FSA to purchase functional medicine services and all labs.
How long till I see results?
Some people feel significant improvement of their symptoms after just a few weeks to a month. Some take longer. The standard course of treatment is for a minimum of 6 months. Some take longer depending on the severity and chronicity of dysfunction.
What do the labs entail?
Depending on the type of lab, the samples required are saliva, urine, and stool and are done from the comfort of your home. You can expect to have between 1-4 lab tests depending on your symptoms and lab findings. Labs cost between $135 and $389.